
I get the Same feeling this time of year as I do at Ostara .. that 'change'..... The wheel has turned and we are well into the West/Water cycle of the year, on our way to Samhain.... you can sense the death of the year, and the slight twinges of introspection that was starting to creep in slightly for me at Lughanasahd become much more pronounced at Mabon.
It feels like a 'nesting time'... setting things in order... nice meals, family time. Saying goodbye to the Sun God before he becomes the Lord of Misrule and knowing that Goddess is winding down. A very Melancholy time of year, but at the same time, an energy that is undeniable as Samhain approaches....

I ordered some incense and bottles from HerbalCraft and the order was here within the week.
Valerian root, patchouli leaf, patchouli powder, vervain, dragon's blood resin, ceremonial sage...
So I ground up some purification incense yesterday. (ooooh. the tangy smell of valerian root!)
And Akashik and I are going to make some infused oils as well. I would like to make some calendula/comfrey salve for wee little bottoms (my one year old and baby is due in January), and some patchouli balm, as well as our basic ritual oil as well.
I posted some good info on making infuse oils at my TerraSpirit~Fertility & Family for Canadian Pagans: Making Oils and there is a good recipe for making massage bars there also.
The message board is doing fairly well, considering it has only been up for two months. And the local website for Fraser Valley Pagans (Pagans of the Upper Fraser Valley) has had quite a few hits and I have received some good feedback.
I am going to make some pages with info on making masks and other art projects, making oils/salves and different magickal properties of incense.
Akashik will be performing at the Vancouver Pagan Pride Festival on September 13th.
All in all, things are busy but good.


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