Mead and More

Well, today the reading was at 1.085, so it is SLOWLY dropping down. I wish I knew what caused this really slow fermentation! We must get it into the secondary asap.
I was thinking that a Spring fair/market might be a good idea. Keeping the theme on celebration of our earth and spirit. Home made items, or used items such as books, art, or new items such as crystals and incense. Eco-friendly products, natural products etc. This would take place near the Spring Equinox as a Welcome in the Spring sort of thing... maybe some drummers and musicians. I would like for it to take place in the Chilliwack area, as it is easily accessible by our neighbouring communities in Mission, Agassiz, Hope, Abbotsford. There is not enough of that sort of scene out here, and this could be a starting point :)
I've posted it to fans at our Facebook page, so hopefully some others will have some ideas also.


  1. Ok, so to clarify, it isnt actually a 3 gallon batch. It is three gallons of water +honey. I was confused because when we made our last batch, I THOUGHT we used a total of 4 gallons of water and 12lbs honey, and then was shocked to see how my headspace was left when we put it into the secondary.... however, eoN pointed out to me that we only used three gallons of water with the honey and that is why there was so much space. (I had just thought that we lost water due to evaporation in the primary)

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