Second Life Travels

Well, I've been hanging out in SL alot these days. After the work is done, kids are sleeping, lunches made... I venture off to my virtual home in the metaverse. I am still enjoying my time in Spirit Nations immensely. It is truly a lovely place with lovely people. It is not a role playing sim, but rather a place where like minded folk gather for story telling, healing circles and more. I gave up my home on Barbados Beach. Rent was good, but you know.... just got the urge to move on. I found a fantastic place though. I was wandering around, from parcel to parcel, checking out different things. Empty lots, rental cottages, trying to find something just right. I found a place at Teras Island, owned by Cheswick Properties, and part of the Isles of Cheswick Estates. The homes are all lovely with great sized yards. The lot I'm on is 1280 m2, and each lot has the house already built, but they are great places. Nice quality. Rent is 750L, and has 300 Prims. The Prims don't...