Please consider

Our group has set up a Donate page via the Humanitarian Coalition at:

They are completely on the up and up, and well respected.

The goal is to raise 100.00 for Drought Relief Aid (if we can raise more, even better!)

Taken from The Montreal Gazette:

The Horn of Africa needs the world's help. The international community cannot stand by while millions of people die of starvation. In Canada, the federal government has pledged to match charitable donations from Canadians to Canadian agencies providing aid to drought and famine relief in the region. The federal government has also committed $50 million in emergency aid.

The immediate suffering of starving people is the first order of business. Donors can't let the prospect of militias' profiteering from aid to stop them. It is hard to see what other option there is than to try to get as much food in as possible.

Read more: 


You can look anywhere online and read about the nightmare going on. Although terrorist groups are killing people who are trying to offer help and not allowing people to leave the area, many are escaping and fleeing to hospitals where they REALLY need help. 

Please help.




A malnourished child from southern Somalia sits on his fathers lap at a camp in Mogadishu, Somalia, Wednesday, Aug 3, 2011. (AP / Farah Abdi Warsameh)

Taken from


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